Did the "The abomination that causes desolation" happen yet? ~ Cross reference of Matthew 24:15 to Daniel 9:26

In Matthew 24 Jesus prophesies about the destruction of the temple. When his disciples ask Jesus when he will return at the end of the age, I think they were asking when he will return after being resurrected, he says he does not know and only god knows.

Matthew was written around 80 CE and the temple was destroyed in 70 CE. Do we call this prophecy or history?

Jesus does however share details of the things that will happen between his resurrection and his return. He talks about false prophets coming and claiming that they are Jesus, natural calamities that will occur and finally "the abomination that causes desolation" will have to occur.

In verse 29 Jesus says after all these things have happened, immediately he will come and everyone on the earth will see him coming in the clouds with his angels. He does not offer a timeline when all these calamities will end but the trigger for him to return will be "The abomination that causes desolation"

The only reference made to Daniel 9 in the Greek Text is this reference in Matthew 24 and it is used to say that when Daniel 9 happens, Jesus will return [Matthew 24:30]

In the last 200 years, the Christians have adopted these passages in Daniel 9 to say it is talking about the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and dying on the cross. 

All Images are links to Google Images. Copyright violations not intended.
All Greek Text references are from NIV and Tanakh references are from Chabad.

This post is not intended to offend anyone's faith but for those people who are Seeking the truth of THE ONE TRUE G-D of the universe to who we owe all our love, gratitude & devotion.

My encouragement to you is that you read the whole chapter of Tanakh that the Greek text quotes so you get the context and understand what G-d actually said.

G-d Bless and Seek THE Truth.

Matthew 24:15 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’[a] spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let no one on the housetop go down to take anything out of the house. 18 Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. 19 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! 20 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. 21 For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now and never to be equaled again.

Daniel 9:26 And after the sixty-two weeks, the anointed one will be cut off, and he will be no more, and the people of the coming monarch will destroy the city and the Sanctuary, and his end will come about by inundation, and until the end of the war, it will be cut off into desolation. 27 And he will strengthen a covenant for the princes for one week, and half the week he will abolish sacrifice and meal- offering, and on high, among abominations, will be the dumb one, and until destruction and extermination befall the dumb one.

Daniel 11:31 And arms from him will stand, and they will profane the Sanctuary, the stronghold, and they will remove the daily sacrifice, and place a silent abomination.

Daniel 12:11 And from the time the daily sacrifice was removed and the silent abomination placed, is one thousand, two hundred, and ninety.

Matthew quotes Daniel 9 to say it is talking about the "second coming" of Jesus. Christians for decades have been using this same passage to say that Daniel prophesied about Jesus's entry into Jerusalem and his crucifixion. I think this is a new revelation that Christians have got but Matthew uses it to say that when Daniel 9:26 happens, Jesus will come back and rule as king.

Daniel 9 has been fulfilled and has nothing to do with Jesus and his first coming or his second coming. If you read these passages in context you will see why.
  • Daniel is seeing the destruction of Babylon as prophesied in Jeremiah 25:12 where Jeremiah says that G-d will put an end Babylon after 70 years of Israel's exile to Babylon he is however not seeing the prophecy of Jeremiah 29:14 where G-d says he will make the exiles return to their own land and he is disturbed.
  • He starts a long, beautiful prayer to G-d interceding for the people as he was worried that G-d will extend the exile or even cancel the promise because of the peoples sins.[See verses 3-19]
  • Before he ended his prayer, Gabriel appears to him and tells him he will explain to him the calculations of Israel's return and rebuilding the 2nd temple. He also tells him this temple will also not last and will go through difficult times. See verse 23]
  • The prophecy is for 70 weeks where a week is 7 years so we have a total of 490 Years. This 70 weeks is broken into 7 + 62 + 1 weeks.
  • After 7 weeks an anointed king will come and give the order to rebuild the temple. This is exactly what happened when Cyrus king of Persia gave an order for the Jews to return and start building the 2nd temple.
  • After 62 weeks an anointed person [who is not a King] will be cut off.
  • Then there is a prophecy about 1 week where at half [3.5 weeks] the sacrifices and offerings will be cut off and something that is an abomination will be done.
  • Now that we know what was supposed to happen, the key is, from when to start the countdown.
  • Christians take the start date as the decree of Artaxerxes in 444 BCE and do a complex calculation by merging 62+7 weeks = 69 weeks = 483 years [this would take them to 39 CE for entry of Jesus into Jerusalem] so they say these are prophetic years with 360 days and come up 360 * 483 = 1,73,880 days and then divide by 365.25 days and come up with 475.92 years. If you add 475.92 years to 444 BCE you come to 31.92 CE which they claim is the exact day that Jesus came into Jerusalem as "Daniel's prophecy of Jesus's  entry into Jerusalem"
  • All this is great number crunching but is meaning less, because
  • Daniel 9 is talking about 2 people the first is a king and his prophecy is for 7 weeks or 49 years which was Cyrus. He came and gave the order to build the 2nd temple.
  • 62 weeks is about an anointed person [Hebrew words used for these two people are different words] and this person will be cut off after 62 weeks or 434 years. This the Rabbis believe is the high priest who was removed. This happened 3 years before the 2nd temple was destroyed.
  • 1/2 week is about how the sacrifices were stopped and finally in 70 CE Titus came and destroyed the temple.
  • Further the word used for "cut off" is "Kareth" which is always used to describe the punishment of a wicked person. How can this then refer to Jesus who was sinless.
  • If you look at the below diagram with the starting point that the Rabbis use, you will see that Daniels prophecy is so simple and straight forward with the starting point as the 1st temple destruction and ends with the 2nd temple destruction.
  • I have shown the Christian calculations and gymnastics as well. You decide if Daniel 9 has anything to do with Jesus.
Jeremiah 25:12 And it shall be at the completion of seventy years, I will visit upon the king of Babylon and upon that nation, says the Lord, their iniquity, and upon the land of the Chaldeans, and I will make it for everlasting desolations.

Jeremiah 29:14 And I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will return your captivity and gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you, says the Lord, and I will return you to the place whence I exiled you.


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