Did Moses say he was trembling when he saw G-d? ~ Cross reference of Hebrews 12:21 to Deuteronomy 9:19

Where did Hebrews 12 find a passage that says that Moses was terrified and trembling with fear on seeing the glory of G-d. All Torah says is that when G-d started speaking to Moses, the people were scared. They tell Moses to speak to G-d and tell them what G-d said and they will obey.

The NIV cross reference is to Deuteronomy 9:19 that is about the golden calf incident that happened on the 40th day of Moses being on the mountain and not the 1st day when the glory of G-d descended on mount Sanai. This is probably a fix that recent authors tried to do to the original context that the author of Hebrews got wrong.

Should not the Greek text that is god breathed get such facts right?

No theology involved so will leave it here.

All Images are links to Google Images. Copyright violations not intended.
All Greek Text references are from NIV and Tanakh references are from Chabad.

This post is not intended to offend anyone's faith but for those people who are Seeking the truth of THE ONE TRUE G-D of the universe to who we owe all our love, gratitude & devotion.

My encouragement to you is that you read the whole chapter of Tanakh that the Greek text quotes so you get the context and understand what G-d actually said.

G-d Bless and Seek THE Truth.

Hebrews 12:21 The sight was so terrifying that Moses said, “I am trembling with fear.”

Deuteronomy 9:19 For I was frightened of the wrath and the fury that the Lord was angry with you to destroy you, and the Lord hearkened to me also at that time.

  • If you read the passage in context, you will see that the people were trembling not Moses. The passage cross referenced is about Moses reflecting on the golden calf incident that happened after 40 days.
  • Exodus 20:15 And all the people saw the voices and the torches, the sound of the shofar, and the smoking mountain, and the people saw and trembled; so they stood from afar.


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