Messianic Age - Key Passages


Deuteronomy 4:24 For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a zealous God. 25 When you beget children and children's children, and you will be long established in the land, and you become corrupt and make a graven image, the likeness of anything, and do evil in the eyes of the Lord your God, to provoke Him to anger, 26 I call as witness against you this very day the heaven and the earth, that you will speedily and utterly perish from the land to which you cross the Jordan, to possess; you will not prolong your days upon it, but will be utterly destroyed. 27 And the Lord will scatter you among the peoples, and you will remain few in number among the nations to where the Lord will lead you. 28 And there you will worship gods, man's handiwork, wood and stone, which neither see, hear, eat, nor smell. 29 And from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him, if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul. 30 When you are distressed, and all these things happen upon you in the end of days, then you will return to the Lord your God and obey Him.

Deuteronomy 30:1 And it will be, when all these things come upon you the blessing and the curse which I have set before you that you will consider in your heart, among all the nations where the Lord your God has banished you, 2 and you will return to the Lord, your God, with all your heart and with all your soul, and you will listen to His voice according to all that I am commanding you this day you and your children, 3 then, the Lord, your God, will bring back your exiles, and He will have mercy upon you. He will once again gather you from all the nations, where the Lord, your God, had dispersed you. 4 Even if your exiles are at the end of the heavens, the Lord, your God, will gather you from there, and He will take you from there. 5 And the Lord, your God, will bring you to the land which your forefathers possessed, and you [too] will take possession of it, and He will do good to you, and He will make you more numerous than your forefathers. 6 And the Lord, your God, will circumcise your heart and the heart of your offspring, [so that you may] love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, for the sake of your life. 7 And the Lord, your God, will place all these curses upon your enemies and upon your adversaries, who pursued you. 8 And you will return and listen to the voice of the Lord, and fulfil all His commandments, which I command you this day. 9 And the Lord, your God, will make you abundant for good in all the work of your hands, in the fruit of your womb, in the fruit of your livestock, and in the fruit of your soil. For the Lord will once again rejoice over you for good, as He rejoiced over your forefathers, 10 when you obey the Lord, your God, to observe His commandments and His statutes written in this Torah scroll, [and] when you return to the Lord, your God, with all your heart and with all your soul.

Deuteronomy 32:36 When the Lord will judge His people, and will reconsider His servants, when He sees that the power is increasing, and none is controlled or strengthened. 37 Then He will say, "Where is their deity, the rock in which they trusted, 38 who ate the fat of their sacrifices and drank the wine of their libations? Let them arise and help you! Let them be your shelter! 39 See now that it is I! I am the One, and there is no god like Me! I cause death and grant life. I strike, but I heal, and no one can rescue from My Hand! 40 For I raise up My hand to heaven, and say, 'As I live forever.' 41 When I sharpen the blade of My sword, and My hand grasps judgment, I will bring vengeance upon My adversaries and repay those who hate Me. 42 I will intoxicate My arrows with blood, and My sword will consume flesh, from the blood of the slain and the captives, from the first breach of the enemy.' 43 Sing out praise, O you nations, for His people! For He will avenge the blood of His servants, inflict revenge upon His adversaries, and appease His land [and] His people.

Jeremiah 23:14 Return, backsliding children, says the Lord, for I possessed you, and I will take you, one from a city and two from a family, and I will bring you to Zion. 15 And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, and they will feed you with knowledge and understanding. 16 And it shall be, when you multiply and are fruitful in the land in those days, says the Lord, they will no longer say, "The ark of the Lord's covenant," neither shall it come to mind, neither shall they mention it, nor shall they remember it, nor shall it be done anymore. 17 At that time, they will call Jerusalem The Throne of the Lord, and all nations shall gather to it in the name of the Lord, to Jerusalem, and they shall no longer follow the idea of their evil heart. 18 In those days, the house of Judah will go with the house of Israel, and they will come together from the north land to the land that I caused your forefathers to inherit.

Jeremiah 16:16 Behold I will send for many fishers, says the Lord, and they will fish them, and afterwards I will send to many hunters and they will hunt them from upon every mountain and upon every hill, and from the clefts of the rocks. 17 For My eyes are on all their ways, they were not hidden from before Me, neither was their iniquity hidden from before My eyes. 18 And I will pay first the doubling of their iniquity and their sin, for their profaning My land; with the carcass of their detestable things and their abominations they filled My heritage. 19 O Lord, Who are my power and my strength and my refuge in the day of trouble, to You nations will come from the ends of the earth and say, "Only lies have our fathers handed down to us, emptiness in which there is nothing of any avail! 20 Can a man make gods for himself, and they are no gods?" 21 Therefore, behold I let them know; at this time I will let them know My power and My might, and they shall know that My Name is the Lord.

Jeremiah 23:3 And I will gather the remnant of My flocks from all the lands where I have driven them, and I will restore them to their dwellings and they shall be fruitful and multiply. 4 And I will set up shepherds over them and they shall pasture them, and they shall no longer fear nor shall they be dismayed, nor shall [any of them] be missing, says the Lord. 5 Behold, days are coming, says the Lord, when I will set up of David a righteous shoot, and he shall reign a king and prosper, and he shall perform judgment and righteousness in the land. 6 In his days, Judah shall be saved and Israel shall dwell safely, and this is his name that he shall be called, The Lord is our righteousness.

Jeremiah 30:3 For, behold, days are coming, says the Lord, when I will restore the captivity of My people Israel and Judah, says the Lord, and I will restore them to the land that I gave their forefathers and they shall possess it. 4 And these are the words that the Lord spoke concerning Israel and concerning Judah.

Jeremiah 30:7 Ho! For that day is great, with none like it, and it is a time of distress for Jacob, through which he shall be saved. 8 And it shall be on that day, says the Lord of Hosts, [that] I will break his yoke off your neck, and I will break your thongs, and strangers shall no longer enslave them. 9 And they shall serve the Lord their God and David their king, whom I will set up for them. 10 And you, fear not, My servant Jacob, says the Lord, and do not be dismayed, O Israel, for behold I save you from afar and your seed from the land of their captivity, and Jacob shall again be silent and at ease, and no one will frighten them. 11 For I am with you, says the Lord, to save you, for I will make an end of all the nations where I dispersed you, but of you I will not make an end, but I will chasten you in measure, and I will not completely destroy you.

Jeremiah 30:16 Therefore, all who devour you shall be devoured, and all your adversaries, yea all of them, shall go into captivity, and those who plunder you shall be plunder, and all who prey upon you I will give for prey. 17 For I will bring healing to you, and of your wounds I will heal you, says the Lord, for they called you an outcast, that is Zion whom no one seeks out. 18 So said the Lord: Behold I am returning the captivity of the tents of Jacob, and his dwellings I will pity, and the city shall be built on its mound and the palace on its proper site shall be established. 19 And thanksgiving and the voice of those making merry shall proceed from them, and I will multiply them, and they shall not be diminished, and I will increase them, and they shall not become few in number. 20 And their children shall be as of old, and their congregation shall be established before Me, and I will visit [evil] upon all their oppressors. 21 And their prince shall be from them, and their ruler shall emerge from their midst, and I will bring him near, and he shall approach Me, for who is it who pledged his heart to approach Me? says the Lord. 22 And you shall be My people, and I will be your God. 23 Behold a storm from the Lord has gone forth [with] fury, yea a settling storm; on the head[s] of the wicked it shall rest. 24 The kindling of the Lord's anger shall not return until He has executed it, and until He has fulfilled the plans of His heart. At the end of the days you shall consider it. 25 At that time, says the Lord, I will be the God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be My people.

Jeremiah 31:1 So says the Lord: In the wilderness, the people who had escaped the sword found favor; He [therefore] went to give Israel their resting place. 2 From long ago, the Lord appeared to me; With everlasting love have I loved you; therefore have I drawn you to Me with loving-kindness. 3 Yet again will I rebuild you, then you shall be built, O virgin of Israel; yet again shall you be adorned with your tambourines, and you shall go out with the dances of those who make merry. 4 Yet again shall you plant vineyards on the mountains of Samaria, indeed planters shall plant [them] and redeem [them]. 5 For there is a day, the watchers shall call on the mountains of Ephraim; Rise! Let us go up to Zion, to the Lord, our God. 6 For so says the Lord to Jacob, "Sing [with] joy and shout at the head of the nations, make it heard, praise, and say, 'O Lord, help Your people, the remnant of Israel!' " 7 Behold I bring them from the north country and gather them from the uttermost ends of the earth, the blind and the lame amongst them, the woman with child and she who travails with child all together; a great company shall they return there. 8 With weeping will they come, and with supplications will I lead them, along brooks of water will I make them go, on a straight road upon which they will not stumble, for I have become a Father to Israel, and Ephraim is My firstborn. 9 Hear the word of the Lord, O nations, and declare it on the islands from afar, and say, "He Who scattered Israel will gather them together and watch them as a shepherd his flock. 10 For the Lord has redeemed Jacob and has saved him out of the hand of him who is stronger than he. 11 And they shall come and jubilate on the height of Zion, and they will stream to the goodness of the Lord, over corn, wine, and oil, and over sheep and cattle, and their soul shall be like a well-watered garden, and they shall have no further worry at all. 12 Then shall the virgin rejoice in the round dance with music, and the young men and the old men together, and I will turn their mourning into joy and will comfort them and make them rejoice from their sorrow. 13 And I will refresh the soul of the priests with fat, and My people-they will be satisfied with My goodness, is the word of the Lord. 14 So says the Lord: A voice is heard on high, lamentation, bitter weeping, Rachel weeping for her children, she refuses to be comforted for her children for they are not. 15 So says the Lord: Refrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for there is reward for your work, says the Lord, and they shall come back from the land of the enemy. 16 And there is hope for your future, says the Lord, and the children shall return to their own border. 17 I have indeed heard Ephraim complaining, [saying,] "You have chastised me, and I was chastised as an ungoaded calf, O lead me back, and I will return, for You are the Lord, my God. 18 For after my return I have completely changed my mind, and after I had been brought to know myself, I smote upon my thigh; I was ashamed, yea I stood confounded, for I bore the reproach of my youth." 19 "Is Ephraim a son who is dear to Me? Is he a child who is dandled? For whenever I speak of him, I still remember him: therefore, My very innards are agitated for him; I will surely have compassion on him," says the Lord. 20 Set up markers for yourself, place small palms for yourself, put your heart to the highway, the road upon which you went. Return, O virgin of Israel, return to these your cities. 21 How long will you hide, O backsliding daughter? For the Lord has created something new on the earth, a woman shall go after a man. 22 So said the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel; They shall yet say this thing in the land of Judah and in its cities when I return their captivity; May the Lord bless You, dwelling of righteousness, holy mount. 23 And Judah shall dwell therein and [in] all its cities together, farmers and those who travel with flocks. 24 For I have sated the faint soul, and every worried soul have I replenished. 25 Thereupon, I awoke and I had seen, and my sleep was pleasant to me. 26 Behold days are coming, says the Lord, and I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with seed of man and seed of beasts. 27 And it shall be, as I have watched over them to uproot and to break down, to demolish and to destroy and to afflict, so will I watch over them to build and to plant, says the Lord. 28 In those days, they shall no longer say, "Fathers have eaten unripe grapes, and the teeth of the children shall be set on edge." 29 But each man shall die for his iniquity; whoever eats the unripe grapes- his teeth shall be set on edge. 30 Behold, days are coming, says the Lord, and I will form a covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, a new covenant. 31 Not like the covenant that I formed with their forefathers on the day I took them by the hand to take them out of the land of Egypt, that they broke My covenant, although I was a lord over them, says the Lord. 32 For this is the covenant that I will form with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will place My law in their midst and I will inscribe it upon their hearts, and I will be their God and they shall be My people. 33 And no longer shall one teach his neighbor or [shall] one [teach] his brother, saying, "Know the Lord," for they shall all know Me from their smallest to their greatest, says the Lord, for I will forgive their iniquity and their sin I will no longer remember. 34 So said the Lord, Who gives the sun to illuminate by day, the laws of the moon and the stars to illuminate at night, Who stirs up the sea and its waves roar, the Lord of Hosts is His name. 35 If these laws depart from before Me, says the Lord, so will the seed of Israel cease being a nation before Me for all time. 36 So said the Lord: If the heavens above will be measured and the foundations of the earth below will be fathomed, I too will reject all the seed of Israel because of all they did, says the Lord. 37 Behold days are coming, says the Lord, and the city shall be built to the Lord, from the tower of Hananel until the gate of the corner. 38 And the measuring line shall go out further opposite it upon the hill of Gareb, and it shall turn to Goah. 39 And the whole valley of the dead bodies and the ash and all the fields until the Kidron Valley, until the corner of the Horse Gate to the east, shall be holy to the Lord; it shall never again be uprooted or torn down forever.

Jeremiah 33:1 And the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah a second time, while he was still confined in the prison yard, saying: 2 So said the Lord, the Maker thereof, Who formed it to prepare it; the Lord is His Name. 3 Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and strong things that you do not know. 4 For so said the Lord God of Israel concerning the houses of this city and concerning the houses of the kings of Judah that are demolished for the mounds and for the sword. 5 They come to war with the Chaldeans and to fill them with the corpses of the men whom I have smitten with My anger and with My wrath, and that which I have hidden My face from this city because of all their evil. 6 Behold, I will bring it healing and cure, and I will cure them, and I will reveal to them a greeting of peace and truth. 7 And I will return the captivity of Judah and the captivity of Israel, and build them up like at first. 8 And I will purify them of all their iniquity that they sinned against Me, and I will forgive all their iniquities that they sinned against Me and that they rebelled against Me. 9 And it shall be to Me for a name of joy, for praise and for glory to all the nations of the earth who will hear all the good that I do for them and fear and tremble because of all the good and because of all the peace that I do for it. 10 So said the Lord: There shall again be heard in this place, concerning which you say, "It is desolate without man and without beast," in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem that are desolate without a man and without an inhabitant and without a beast, 11 the sound of mirth and the sound of joy, the voice of a bridegroom and the voice of a bride, the sound of those saying, "Thank the Lord of Hosts, for the Lord is good, for His loving-kindness endures forever," bringing a thanksgiving offering to the House of the Lord, for I will restore the captivity of the land as at first, said the Lord. 12 So said the Lord of Hosts: There shall again be in this place that is waste without man or beast, and in all its cities a dwelling of shepherds resting [their] flocks. 13 In the cities of the mountain, in the cities of the lowland, and in the cities of the Negev and in the land of Benjamin and in the environs of Jerusalem and in the cities of Judah, flocks shall again pass under the hands of one who counts them, said the Lord. 14 Behold, days are coming, says the Lord, and I will establish the good thing that I spoke concerning the house of Israel and the house of Judah. 15 In those days and in that time I will cause to grow for David a plant of righteousness, and he shall execute justice and righteousness in the land. 16 In those days, Judah shall be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell securely and this is the name that He shall call it, the Lord is our righteousness. 17 For so said the Lord: There shall not be cut off from David a man sitting on the throne of the house of Israel. 18 And of the Levitic priests, there shall not be cut off from before Me a man offering up a burnt offering, or burning a meal-offering or performing a sacrifice for all time. 19 And the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, saying: 20 So said the Lord: If you break My covenant with the day and My covenant with the night, and not to have day and night in their time. 21 Also My covenant with David shall be broken, that he should not have a son reigning on his throne, and with the Levitic priests, My ministers. 22 Just as the host of heaven cannot be counted nor can the sand of the sea be measured, so will I increase the seed of My servant David and the Levites who minister to Me. 23 And the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, saying: 24 Have you not seen what this people has spoken saying: The two families that God chose, He has rejected, and they make My people despise being a nation any longer before them. 25 So said the Lord: If not My covenant with the day and the night, that the statutes of heaven and earth I did not place, 26 Also will I reject the seed of Jacob and David, My servant, not to take from his seed rulers over the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, when I bring back their captivity and have mercy upon them.

Jeremiah 46:27 You fear not, O Jacob My servant, and be not dismayed, O Israel! for behold, I will redeem you from afar and your children from the land of their captivity, and Jacob shall return and be quiet and at ease, and there shall be none who disturb his rest. 28 You fear not, My servant Jacob, says the Lord, for I am with you, for I will make a full end of all the nations where I have driven you, but of you I will not make a full end, but I will chastise you justly, and I will not completely destroy you.

Jeremiah 50:4 In those days and in that time, says the Lord, the children of Israel shall come, they and the children of Judah together; they shall go along weeping, and they shall seek the Lord their God. 5 They shall inquire of Zion; their faces are directed hitherward. "Come and join the Lord [with] an everlasting covenant that shall not be forgotten."

Jeremiah 50:19 And I will return Israel to his dwelling and he shall pasture in the Carmel and the Bashan, and in Mount Ephraim and Gilead shall his soul be sated. 20 In those days and at that time, says the Lord, the iniquity of Israel shall be sought, but it shall not be there, and the sins of Judah, but they shall not be found, for I will forgive those I leave over. 

Ezekiel 11:17 Therefore, say; So said the Lord God: I will gather you from the peoples, and I will assemble you from the lands which you have been scattered therein, and I shall give you the land of Israel. 18 And they will come over there, and they will remove all its detestations and all its abominations from it. 19 And I shall give them one heart, and a new spirit I shall place within them, and I shall remove the heart of stone from their flesh, and I shall give them a heart of flesh. 20 In order that they walk in My statutes and keep My laws and perform them, and they will be My people, and I shall be their God.

Ezekiel 20:40 But on My holy mount, on the mountain of the height of Israel, says the Lord God. There all the house of Israel-yea, all of them-will serve Me in the land; there I will accept them, and there I will require your heave offerings and the first of your food with all your hallowed things. 41 With a pleasing savor I shall accept you when I take you out of the nations, and I shall gather you from the lands in which you were scattered, and I shall be hallowed through you before the eyes of the nations. 42 And you will know that I am the Lord when I bring you to the land of Israel, to the land that I lifted My hand to give to your forefathers. 43 And there you will remember your ways and your deeds, with which you have been defiled, and you will quarrel with yourselves because of all your evils that you have done. 44 And you will know that I am the Lord when I do with you for My Name's sake, not according to your evil ways or according to your corrupt deeds, O house of Israel," says the Lord God.

Ezekiel 28:25 So says the Lord God: When I gather in the house of Israel from the peoples among whom they have been scattered, and I have been sanctified through them in the eyes of the nations, then shall they dwell on their land that I gave to My servant, to Jacob. 26 And they shall dwell upon it securely, and they shall build houses and plant vineyards and dwell securely when I execute judgments against all those who plunder them from all around them, and they shall know that I am the Lord their God."

Ezekiel 34:9 Therefore, you shepherds, hearken to the word of the Lord. 10 So said the Lord God: Behold, I am against the shepherds, and I shall demand My flocks from their hands, and I shall banish them from shepherding the flocks. The shepherds will no longer shepherd themselves, and I shall rescue My flocks from their mouth, and they will not be to them for food. 11 For so said the Lord God: Behold I am here, and I shall search for My flocks and I shall seek them out. 12 As a shepherd seeks out his flock on the day he is among his separated flocks, so will I seek out My flocks, and I will save them from all the places where they have scattered on a cloudy and dark day. 13 I will take them out from among the nations, and I will gather them from the lands and bring them to their land, and I will shepherd them to the mountains of Israel, by the streams and in all the dwellings of the land. 14 On good pasture I will pasture them, and on the mountains of the height of Israel will be their dwelling; there they will lie in a good fold and graze on fat pastureland upon the mountains of Israel. 15 I will pasture My flocks and I will cause them to lie down, says the Lord God. 16 I will seek the lost and I will retrieve the one astray; I will bind the broken and I will strengthen the ill, and the fat and the strong I will destroy; I will pasture it with justice.

Ezekiel 34:22 I shall save My flocks, and they will no longer become a prey, and I shall judge between one lamb and another lamb. 23 And I shall put up over them one shepherd and he will shepherd them, namely My servant David; he will shepherd them, and he will be for them as a shepherd. 24 And I, the Lord, shall be to them for a God, and My servant David [will be] a prince in their midst; I, the Lord, have spoken. 25 And I shall make with them a covenant of peace, and I shall abolish the wild beasts from the land, and they will dwell securely in the desert and grow old in the forests. 26 And I shall make them dwell around My hill for a blessing, and I shall bring down rain in its time; they will be rains of blessing. 27 And the tree of the field will give forth its fruit and the land will give forth its produce, and they will know that I am the Lord when I break the bars of their yoke and rescue them from those who enslave them. 28 And they will no longer be a prey to the nations, and the beasts of the earth will not devour them, and they will dwell securely, with no one frightening them. 29 And I shall establish for them a plantation for renown, and they will no longer be hidden because of hunger in the land, and they will no longer bear the disgrace of the nations. 30 And they will know that I, the Lord their God, am with them, and they are My people, the house of Israel, says the Lord God. 31 And you are My flocks, the flocks of My pasture, you are man; I am your God," says the Lord God.

Ezekiel 36:6 Therefore, prophesy concerning the soil of Israel, and say to the mountains and to the hills, to the streams and to the valleys, So said the Lord God: Behold I have spoken with My anger and with My fury because you have borne the disgrace of the nations. 7 Therefore, so said the Lord God: I have raised My hand; surely the nations that are around you-they will bear their disgrace. 8 And you, the mountains of Israel, will produce your branches, and you will bear your fruit for My people Israel because they are about to come. 9 For behold I am for you, and I shall turn to you, and you will be tilled and sown. 10 And I shall multiply men upon you, the whole house of Israel in its entirety, and the cities will be settled, and the ruins will be built up. 11 And I shall multiply upon you man and beast, and they will be fruitful and multiply, and I shall settle you as in your early days, and I shall make you better than your beginnings, and you will know that I am the Lord. 12 And I shall cause man to walk upon you, My people Israel, and they will inherit you, and you will be to them for an inheritance, and you will no longer continue to be bereaved of them 13 So said the Lord God: Because they say to you, 'You are a devourer of men and you were a bereaver of your nations,' 14 Therefore, you shall no longer devour men, and you shall no longer bereave your nations, says the Lord God. 15 And I shall no longer let you hear the disgrace of the nations; the taunt of the peoples you shall no longer bear, neither shall you bereave your nations any longer," says the Lord God.

Ezekiel 36:22 Therefore, say to the house of Israel; So says the Lord God: Not for your sake do I do this, O house of Israel, but for My Holy Name, which you have profaned among the nations to which they have come. 23 And I will sanctify My great Name, which was profaned among the nations, which you have profaned in their midst; and the nations shall know that I am the Lord-is the declaration of the Lord God-when I will be sanctified through you before their eyes. 24 For I will take you from among the nations and gather you from all the countries, and I will bring you to your land. 25 And I will sprinkle clean water upon you, and you will be clean; from all your impurities and from all your abominations will I cleanse you. 26 And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit will I put within you, and I will take away the heart of stone out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh. 27 And I will put My spirit within you and bring it about that you will walk in My statutes and you will keep My ordinances and do [them]. 28 Then will you dwell in the land that I gave your fathers, and you will be a people to Me, and I will be to you as a God. 29 And I will save you from all your uncleannesses, and I will call to the corn and will multiply it, and I will not decree famine again over you. 30 And I will multiply the fruit of the tree and the produce of the field, so that you shall no more have to accept the shame of famine among the nations. 31 And you shall remember your evil ways and your deeds that were not good, and you will loathe yourselves in your own eyes on account of your sins and on account of your abominations. 32 Not for your sake do I do it, says the Lord God, may it be known to you; be ashamed and confounded for your ways, O house of Israel. 33 So says the Lord God: On the day that I will have cleansed you from all your iniquities, and I will resettle the cities, and the ruins shall be built up. 34 And the desolate land shall be worked, instead of its lying desolate in the sight of all that pass by. 35 And they shall say, 'This land that was desolate has become like the Garden of Eden, and the cities that were destroyed and desolate and pulled down have become settled as fortified [cities].' 36 And the nations that are left round about you shall know that I, the Lord, have built up the ruined places and have planted the desolate ones; I, the Lord, have spoken, and I will perform [it]. 37 So says the Lord God: I will yet for this be inquired of by the house of Israel to do for them; I will multiply them-the men-like a flock of sheep. 38 Like the flocks appointed for the holy offerings, like the flocks of Jerusalem on its festivals, so will these cities now laid waste be filled with flocks of men, and they shall know that I am the Lord."

Ezekiel 37:1 The hand of the Lord came upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley, and that was full of bones. 2 And He made me pass by them round about, and lo! they were exceedingly many on the surface of the valley, and lo! they were exceedingly dry. 3 Then He said to me; "Son of man, can these bones become alive?" And I answered, "O Lord God, You [alone] know." 4 And He said to me, "Prophesy over these bones, and say to them, 'O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.' 5 So says the Lord God to these bones; Behold, I will cause spirit to enter into you, and you shall live! 6 And I will lay sinews upon you, and I will make flesh grow over you and cover you with skin and put breath into you, and you will live, and you will then know that I am the Lord." 7 So I prophesied as I was commanded, and there arose a noise when I prophesied, and behold a commotion, and the bones came together, bone to its bone! 8 And I looked, and lo! sinews were upon them, and flesh came upon them, and skin covered them from above, but there was still no spirit in them. 9 Then He said to me, "Prophesy to the spirit, prophesy, O son of man, and say to the spirit, 'So says the Lord God: From four sides come, O spirit, and breathe into these slain ones that they may live.' " 10 And I prophesied as He had commanded me, and the spirit came into them, and they lived and stood on their feet, a very great army, exceedingly so. 11 Then He said to me, "Son of man, these bones are all the house of Israel. Behold they say, 'Our bones have become dried up, our hope is lost, we are clean cut off to ourselves.' 12 Therefore, prophesy and say to them, So says the Lord God: Lo! I open your graves and cause you to come up out of your graves as My people, and bring you home to the land of Israel. 13 Then you shall know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and lead you up out of your graves as My people. 14 And I will put My spirit into you, and you shall live, and I will set you on your land, and you shall know that I, the Lord, have spoken it and have performed it," says the Lord. 15 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying: 16 "And you, son of man, take for yourself one stick and write upon it, 'For Judah and for the children of Israel his companions'; and take one stick and write upon it, 'For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim and all the house of Israel, his companions.' 17 And bring them close, one to the other into one stick, and they shall be one in your hand. 18 And when the children of your people say to you, saying, 'Will you not tell us what these are to you? 19 Say to them, So says the Lord God: Behold I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim and the tribes of Israel his companions, and I will place them with him with the stick of Judah, and I will make them into one stick, and they shall become one in My hand. 20 And the sticks upon which you shall write shall be in your hand before their eyes. 21 And say to them, So says the Lord God: Behold I will take the children of Israel from among the nations where they have gone, and I will gather them from every side, and I will bring them to their land. 22 And I will make them into one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel, and one king shall be to them all as a king; and they shall no longer be two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms anymore. 23 And they shall no longer defile themselves with their idols, with their detestable things, or with all their transgressions, and I will save them from all their habitations in which they have sinned, and I will purify them, and they shall be to Me as a people, and I will be to them as a God. 24 And My servant David shall be king over them, and one shepherd shall be for them all, and they shall walk in My ordinances and observe My statutes and perform them. 25 And they shall dwell on the land that I have given to My servant, to Jacob, wherein your forefathers lived; and they shall dwell upon it, they and their children and their children's children, forever; and My servant David shall be their prince forever. 26 And I will form a covenant of peace for them, an everlasting covenant shall be with them; and I will establish them and I will multiply them, and I will place My Sanctuary in their midst forever. 27 And My dwelling place shall be over them, and I will be to them for a God, and they shall be to Me as a people. 28 And the nations shall know that I am the Lord, Who sanctifies Israel, when My Sanctuary is in their midst forever."

Isaiah 1:26 And I will restore your judges as at first and your counsellors as in the beginning; afterwards you shall be called City of Righteousness, Faithful City. 27 Zion shall be redeemed through justice and her penitent through righteousness.

Isaiah 2:2 And it shall be at the end of the days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be firmly established at the top of the mountains, and it shall be raised above the hills, and all the nations shall stream to it. 3 And many peoples shall go, and they shall say, "Come, let us go up to the Lord's mount, to the house of the God of Jacob, and let Him teach us of His ways, and we will go in His paths," for out of Zion shall the Torah come forth, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. 4 And he shall judge between the nations and reprove many peoples, and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift the sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.
Isaiah 4:2 On that day, the sprout of the Lord shall be for beauty and for honor, and the fruit of the land for greatness and for glory for the survivors of Israel. 3 And it shall come to pass that every survivor shall be in Zion, and everyone who is left, in Jerusalem; "holy" shall be said of him, everyone inscribed for life in Jerusalem. 4 When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion and the blood of Jerusalem He shall rinse from its midst, with a spirit of judgment and with a spirit of purging. 5 And the Lord shall create over every dwelling of Mount Zion and over all those summoned therein, a cloud by day and smoke, and splendor of a flaming fire at night, for, in addition to every honor, there will be a shelter. 6 And a tabernacle shall be for shade by day from the heat, and for a shelter and for a covert from stream and from rain.

Isaiah 11:1 And a shoot shall spring forth from the stem of Jesse, and a twig shall sprout from his roots. 2 And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, a spirit of wisdom and understanding, a spirit of counsel and heroism, a spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord. 3 And he shall be animated by the fear of the Lord, and neither with the sight of his eyes shall he judge, nor with the hearing of his ears shall he chastise. 4 And he shall judge the poor justly, and he shall chastise with equity the humble of the earth, and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth and with the breath of his lips he shall put the wicked to death. 5 And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faith the girdle of his loins. 6 And a wolf shall live with a lamb, and a leopard shall lie with a kid; and a calf and a lion cub and a fatling [shall lie] together, and a small child shall lead them. 7 And a cow and a bear shall graze together, their children shall lie; and a lion, like cattle, shall eat straw. 8 And an infant shall play over the hole of an old snake and over the eyeball of an adder, a weaned child shall stretch forth his hand. 9 They shall neither harm nor destroy on all My holy mount, for the land shall be full of knowledge of the Lord as water covers the sea bed. 10 And it shall come to pass on that day, that the root of Jesse, which stands as a banner for peoples, to him shall the nations inquire, and his peace shall be [with] honor. 11 And it shall come to pass that on that day, the Lord shall continue to apply His hand a second time to acquire the rest of His people, that will remain from Assyria and from Egypt and from Pathros and from Cush and from Elam and from Sumeria and from Hamath and from the islands of the sea. 12 And He shall raise a banner to the nations, and He shall gather the lost of Israel, and the scattered ones of Judah He shall gather from the four corners of the earth. 13 And the envy of Ephraim shall cease, and the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off; Ephraim shall not envy Judah, nor shall Judah vex Ephraim. 14 And they shall fly of one accord against the Philistines in the west, together they shall plunder the children of the East; upon Edom and Moab shall they stretch forth their hand, and the children of Ammon shall obey them. 15 And the Lord shall dry up the tongue of the Egyptian Sea, and He shall lift His hand over the river with the strength of His wind, and He shall beat it into seven streams, and He shall lead [the exiles] with shoes. 16 And there shall be a highway for the remnant of His people who remain from Assyria, as there was for Israel on the day they went up from the land of Egypt.

Isaiah 40:1 "Console, console My people," says your God. 2 Speak to the heart of Jerusalem and call to her, for she has become full [from] her host, for her iniquity has been appeased, for she has taken from the hand of the Lord double for all her sins. 3 A voice calls, "In the desert, clear the way of the Lord, straighten out in the wilderness, a highway for our God." 4 Every valley shall be raised, and every mountain and hill shall be lowered, and the crooked terrain shall become a plain and the close mountains a champaign. 5 And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh together shall see that the mouth of the Lord spoke. 6 A voice says, "Call!" and it says, "What shall I call?" "All flesh is grass, and all its kindness is like the blossom of the field. 7 The grass shall dry out, the blossom shall wilt, for a wind from the Lord has blown upon it; behold the people is grass. 8 The grass shall dry out, the blossom shall wilt, but the word of our God shall last forever. 9 Upon a lofty mountain ascend, O herald of Zion, raise your voice with strength, O herald of Jerusalem; raise [your voice], fear not; say to the cities of Judah, "Behold your God!" 10 Behold the Lord God shall come with a strong [hand], and His arm rules for Him; behold His reward is with Him, and His recompense is before Him. 11 Like a shepherd [who] tends his flock, with his arm he gathers lambs, and in his bosom he carries [them], the nursing ones he leads.

Isaiah 41:10 Do not fear for I am with you; be not discouraged for I am your God: I encouraged you, I also helped you, I also supported you with My righteous hand. 11 Behold all those incensed against you shall be ashamed and confounded; those who quarreled with you shall be as nought and be lost. 12 You may seek them but not find them, those who quarrel with you; those who war with you shall be as nought and as nothing. 13 For I, the Lord your God, grasp your right hand; Who says to you, "Fear not, I help you." 14 Fear not, O worm of Jacob, the number of Israel; "I have helped you," says the Lord, and your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel. 15 Behold I have made you a new grooved threshing-sledge, with sharp points; you shall thresh the mountains and crush them fine, and you shall make hills like chaff. 16 You shall winnow them, and a wind shall carry them off, and a tempest shall scatter them, and you shall rejoice with the Lord, with the Holy One of Israel shall you praise yourself. 17 The poor and the needy seek water, but there is none; their tongue is parched with thirst; I, the Lord, will answer them, I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them. 18 I will open rivers on the high places, and springs in the midst of valleys; I will make a desert into a pool of water and a wasteland into sources of water. 19 I will give in the desert cedars, acacia trees, myrtles, and pines; I will place in the wilderness boxtrees, firs, and cypresses together. 20 In order that they see and know, and pay attention and understand together that the hand of the Lord did this and the Holy One of Israel created it.

Isaiah 43:5 Fear not for I am with you; from the east I will bring your seed, and from the west I will gather you. 6 I will say to the north, "Give," and to the south, "Do not refrain"; bring My sons from afar and My daughters from the end of the earth." 7 Everyone that is called by My name, and whom I created for My glory, I formed him, yea I made him. 8 To bring out a blind people, who have eyes, and deaf ones who have ears. 9 Were all the nations gathered together, and kingdoms assembled, who of them would tell this or let us know of the first events? Let them present their witnesses, and they shall be deemed just, and let them hear and say, "True." 10 "You are My witnesses," says the Lord, "and My servant whom I chose," in order that you know and believe Me, and understand that I am He; before Me no god was formed and after Me none shall be.

Isaiah 44:1 And now, hearken, Jacob My servant, and Israel whom I have chosen. 2 So said the Lord your Maker, and He Who formed you from the womb shall aid you. Fear not, My servant Jacob, and Jeshurun whom I have chosen. 3 As I will pour water on the thirsty and running water on dry land, I will pour My spirit on your seed and My blessing on your offspring. 4 And they shall sprout among the grass like willows on rivulets of water. 5 This one shall say, "I am the Lord's," and this one shall call himself by the name of Jacob, and this one shall write [with] his hand, "To the Lord," and adopt the name Israel.

Isaiah 49:8 So said the Lord, "In a time of favor I answered you, and on a day of salvation I helped you; and I will watch you, and I will make you for a people of a covenant, to establish a land, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages. 9 To say to the prisoners, "Go out!" and to the darkness, "Show yourselves!" By the roads they shall graze, and by all rivers is their pasture. 10 They shall neither hunger nor thirst, nor shall the heat and the sun smite them, for He Who has mercy on them shall lead them, and by the springs of water He shall guide them. 11 And I will make all My mountains into a road, and My highways shall be raised. 12 Behold, these shall come from afar, and behold these from the north and from the west, and these from the land of Sinim. 13 Sing, O heavens, and rejoice, O earth, and mountains burst out in song, for the Lord has consoled His people, and He shall have mercy on His poor. 14 And Zion said, "The Lord has forsaken me, and the Lord has forgotten me." 15 Shall a woman forget her sucking child, from having mercy on the child of her womb? These too shall forget, but I will not forget you. 16 Behold on [My] hands have I engraved you; your walls are before Me always. 17 Your sons have hastened; those who destroy you and those who lay you waste shall go forth from you. 18 Lift your eyes around and see, all of them have gathered, have come to you; as I live, says the Lord, that you shall wear all of them as jewelry, and you shall tie them as a bride. 19 For your ruins and your desolate places and your land that has been destroyed, for now you shall be crowded by the inhabitants, and those who would destroy you shall be far away. 20 Your children of whom you were bereaved shall yet say in your ears, "The place is too narrow for me; move over for me so that I will dwell." 21 And you shall say to yourself, "Who begot these for me, seeing that I am bereaved and solitary, exiled and rejected, and who raised these? Behold I was left alone; these-[from] where are they?" 22 So said the Lord God, "Behold I will raise My hand to the nations, and to the peoples will I raise My standard, and they shall bring your sons in their armpits, and your daughters shall be borne on their shoulder[s]. 23 And kings shall be your nursing fathers and their princesses your wet nurses; they shall prostrate themselves to you with their face on the ground, and they shall lick the dust of your feet, and you shall know that I am the Lord, for those who wait for Me shall not be ashamed. 24 Shall prey be taken from a mighty warrior, or shall the captives of the righteous escape?" 25 For so said the Lord, "Even the captives of a mighty warrior can be taken and the prey of a tyrant shall escape, and with your contender will I contend, and your sons I will save. 26 And those who taunt you-I will feed their flesh, and as with sweet wine they shall become drunk [from] their blood; and all flesh shall know that I am the Lord Who saves you, and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.

Isaiah 56:7 I will bring them to My holy mount, and I will cause them to rejoice in My house of prayer, their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be acceptable upon My altar, for My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.

Isaiah 65:17 For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth, and the first ones shall not be remembered, neither shall they come into mind. 18 But rejoice and exult forever [in] what I create, for behold I create Jerusalem a rejoicing and its people an exultation. 19 And I will rejoice with Jerusalem, and I will exult with My people, and a sound of weeping or a sound of crying shall no longer be heard therein. 20 There shall no longer be from there a youth or an old man who will not fill his days, for the youth who is one hundred years old shall die, and the sinner who is one hundred years old shall be cursed. 21 And they shall build houses and inhabit them, and they shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit. 22 They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat, for like the days of the tree are the days of My people, and My elect shall outlive their handiwork. 23 They shall not toil in vain, neither shall they bear for terror, for they are seed blessed by the Lord, and their offspring shall be with them. 24 And it shall be, when they have not yet called, that I will respond; when they are still speaking, that I will hearken. 25 A wolf and a lamb shall graze together, and a lion, like cattle, shall eat straw, and a serpent-dust shall be his food; they shall neither harm nor destroy on all My holy mount," says the Lord.

Isaiah 66:10 Rejoice with Jerusalem and exult in her all those who love her: rejoice with her a rejoicing, all who mourn over her. 11 In order that you suck and become sated from the breast of her consolations in order that you drink deeply and delight from her approaching glory. 12 For so says the Lord, "Behold, I will extend peace to you like a river, and like a flooding stream the wealth of the nations, and you shall suck thereof; on the side you shall be borne, and on knees you shall be dandled. 13 Like a man whose mother consoles him, so will I console you, and in Jerusalem, you shall be consoled. 14 And you shall see, and your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall bloom like grass, and the hand of the Lord shall be known to His servants, and He shall be wroth with His enemies. 15 For behold, the Lord shall come with fire, and like a tempest, His chariots, to render His anger with fury, and His rebuke with flames of fire. 16 For with fire, will the Lord contend, and with His sword with all flesh, and those slain by the Lord shall be many. 17 "Those who prepare themselves and purify themselves to the gardens, [one] after another in the middle, those who eat the flesh of the swine and the detestable thing and the rodent, shall perish together," says the Lord. 18 And I-their deeds and their thoughts have come to gather all the nations and the tongues, and they shall come and they shall see My glory. 19 And I will place a sign upon them, and I will send from them refugees to the nations, Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, who draw the bow, to Tubal and Javan, the distant islands, who did not hear of My fame and did not see My glory, and they shall recount My glory among the nations. 20 And they shall bring all your brethren from all the nations as a tribute to the Lord, with horses and with chariots, and with covered wagons and with mules and with joyous songs upon My holy mount, Jerusalem," says the Lord, "as the children of Israel bring the offering in a pure vessel to the house of the Lord. 21 And from them too will I take for priests and for Levites," says the Lord. 22 "For, as the new heavens and the new earth that I am making, stand before Me," says the Lord, "so shall your seed and your name stand. 23 And it shall be from new moon to new moon and from Sabbath to Sabbath, that all flesh shall come to prostrate themselves before Me," says the Lord. 24 "And they shall go out and see the corpses of the people who rebelled against Me, for their worm shall not die, and their fire shall not be quenched, and they shall be an abhorring for all flesh."

Hosea 2:1 And the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which shall neither be measured nor counted; and it shall come to pass that, instead of saying to them, "You are not My people," it shall be said to them, "The children of the living God." 2 And the children of Judah and the children of Israel shall be gathered together, and they shall appoint for themselves one head, and they shall go up from the land, for great is the day of Jezreel. 3 Say to your brethren, "Ammi," and to your sisters, "Ruhamah."
Hosea 2:16 Therefore, behold I will allure her and lead her into the desert, and I will speak comfortingly to her heart. 17 And I will give her her vineyards from there and the depth of trouble for a door of hope, and she shall dwell there as in the days of her youth, and as the day of her ascent from the land of Egypt. 18 And it shall come to pass on that day, says the Lord, you shall call [Me] Ishi, and you shall no longer call Me Baali. 19 And I will remove the names of the baalim from her mouth, and they shall no longer be mentioned by their name. 20 And I will make a covenant for them on that day with the beasts of the field and with the fowl of the sky and the creeping things of the earth; and the bow, the sword, and war I will break off the earth, and I will let them lie down safely. 21 And I will betroth you to Me forever, and I will betroth you to Me with righteousness and with justice and with loving-kindness and with mercy. 22 And I will betroth you to Me with faith, and you shall know the Lord. 23 And it shall come to pass on that day, [that] I will answer, says the Lord; I will answer the heavens, and they shall answer the earth. 24 And the earth shall answer the corn and the wine and the oil, and they shall answer Jezreel. 25 And I will sow her for Me in the land, and I will have compassion upon the unpitied one, and I will say to them that are not My people, "You are My people," and they shall say, "[You are] my God." 

Joel 3:1 And it shall come to pass afterwards that I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and daughters shall prophesy; your elders shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. 2 And even upon the slaves and the maidservants in those days will I pour out My spirit. 3 And I will perform signs in the heavens and on the earth: Blood, fire, and pillars of smoke. 4 The sun shall turn to darkness, and the moon to blood, prior to the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord. 5 And it shall come to pass that whoever shall call in the name of the Lord shall be delivered, for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be a deliverance, as the Lord said, and among the survivors whom the Lord invites.

Joel 4:1 For behold, in those days and in that time when I return the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, 2 I will gather all the nations and I will take them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, and I will contend with them there concerning My people and My heritage, Israel, which they scattered among the nations, and My land they divided. 3 And upon My people they cast lots, and they gave a boy for a harlot, and a girl they sold for wine, and they drank. 4 And also, what are you to Me, Tyre and Sidon and all the regions of Philistia? Are you paying Me recompense? And if you are recompensing Me, I will swiftly return your recompense upon your head. 5 For My silver and My gold you took, and My goodly treasures you have brought into your temples. 6 And the children of Judah and the children of Jerusalem you have sold to the children of the Jevanim, in order to distance them from their border. 7 Behold I arouse them from the place where you sold them, and I will return your recompense upon your head. 8 And I will sell your sons and daughters into the hands of the children of Judah, and they shall sell them to the Shebaites, to a distant nation, for the Lord has spoken. 9 Announce this among the nations, prepare war, arouse the mighty men; all the men of war shall approach and ascend. 10 Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears; the weak one shall say, "I am mighty." 11 Gather and come, all you nations from around, and they shall gather; there the Lord shall break your mighty men. 12 The nations shall be aroused and shall go up to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, for there I will sit to judge all the nations from around. 13 Stretch out a sickle, for the harvest is ripe; come, press, for the winepress is full; the vats roar, for their evil is great. 14 Multitudes [upon] multitudes in the valley of decision, for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision. 15 The sun and the moon have darkened, and the stars have withdrawn their shining. 16 And the Lord shall roar from Zion, and from Jerusalem He shall give forth His voice, and the heavens and earth shall quake, and the Lord is a shelter to His people and a stronghold for the children of Israel. 17 And you shall know that I, the Lord your God, dwell in Zion, My holy mount, and Jerusalem shall be holy, and strangers shall no longer pass through there. 18 And it shall come to pass on that day that the mountains shall drip with wine, and the hills shall flow with milk, and all the springs of Judah shall flow with water, and a spring shall emanate from the house of the Lord and water the valley of Shittim. 19 And Egypt shall become desolate, and Edom shall be a desert waste, because of the violence done to the children of Judah, because they shed innocent blood in their land. 20 But Judah shall remain forever, and Jerusalem throughout all generations. 21 Now should I cleanse, their blood I will not cleanse, when the Lord dwells in Zion.

Amos 9:11 On that day, I will raise up the fallen Tabernacle of David, and I will close up their breaches, and I will raise up its ruins, and build it up as in the days of yore. 12 In order that they inherit the remnant of Edom and all the nations because My Name is called upon them, says the Lord Who does this. 13 Behold days are coming, says the Lord, that the plowman shall meet the reaper and the treader of the grapes the one who carries the seed, and the mountains shall drip sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt. 14 And I will return the captivity of My people Israel, and they shall rebuild desolate cities and inhabit [them], and they shall plant vineyards and drink their wine, and they shall make gardens and eat their produce. 15 And I will plant them on their land, and they shall no longer be uprooted from upon their land, that I have given them, said the Lord your God.

Obadiah 1:17 And on Mount Zion there shall be a remnant, and it shall be holy, and the house of Jacob shall inherit those who inherited them. 18 And the house of Jacob shall be fire and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau shall become stubble, and they shall ignite them and consume them, and the house of Esau shall have no survivors, for the Lord has spoken. 19 And [the inhabitants of] the southland shall inherit the mountain of Esau, and [the inhabitants of] the plain, the Philistines, and they shall inherit the field of Ephraim and the field of Samaria, and Benjamin [with the inhabitants of] Gilead. 20 And this exiled host of the children of Israel who are [with] the Canaanites as far as Zarephath and the exile of Jerusalem which is in Sepharad shall inherit the cities of the southland. 21 And saviors shall ascend Mt. Zion to judge the mountain of Esau, and the Lord shall have the kingdom.

Micah 4:1 And it shall be at the end of the days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be firmly established at the top of the mountains, and it shall be raised above the hills, and peoples shall stream upon it. 2 And many nations shall go, and they shall say, "Come, let us go up to the Lord's mount and to the house of the God of Jacob, and let Him teach us of His ways, and we will go in His paths," for out of Zion shall the Torah come forth, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. 3 And he shall judge between many peoples and reprove mighty nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nations shall not lift the sword against nation; neither shall they learn war anymore. 4 And they shall dwell each man under his vine and under his fig tree, and no one shall make them move, for the mouth of the Lord of Hosts has spoken. 5 For all peoples shall go, each one in the name of his god, but we will go in the name of the Lord, our God, forever and ever. 6 On that day, says the Lord: I will heal the limping one, and the lost one I will gather, and those whom I harmed. 7 And I will make the limping one into a remnant, and the scattered one into a mighty nation, and the Lord shall reign over them on Mount Zion from now and forever. 

Micah 5:1 And you, Bethlehem Ephrathah-you should have been the lowest of the clans of Judah-from you [he] shall emerge for Me, to be a ruler over Israel; and his origin is from of old, from days of yore. 2 Therefore, He shall deliver them until the time a woman in confinement gives birth. And the rest of his brothers shall return upon the children of Israel. 3 And he shall stand and lead with the might of the Lord, with the pride of the Lord, his God: and they shall return, for now he shall become great to the ends of the earth. 4 And this shall be peace. Should Assyria come into our land, and should they tread upon our palaces, we will appoint over them seven shepherds and eight princes of men. 5 And they shall break the land of Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod at its gates; and he shall save [us] from Assyria, who comes into our land, and who treads in our border. 6 And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many peoples-like dew sent by the Lord, like torrents of rain upon vegetation that does not hope for any man and does not wait for the sons of men. 7 And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the nations, in the midst of many peoples-like a lion among the beasts of the forest, like a young lion among the flocks of sheep, which, if it passes through, treads down and tears in pieces, and no one [can] save anything. 8 Your hand shall be raised above your oppressors, and all your enemies shall be destroyed. 9 And it shall come to pass on that day, says the Lord, that I will cut your horses out of your midst, and I will destroy your chariots. 10 And I will destroy the cities of your land, and I will break down all your fortresses. 11 And I will destroy sorcery from your hand, and you will have no soothsayers. 12 And I will destroy your graven images and your monuments from your midst, and you shall no longer prostrate yourself to your handiwork. 13 And I will uproot your asherim from your midst, and I will destroy your enemies. 14 And in anger and fury I will execute vengeance upon the nations who have paid no heed.

Micah 7:8 Rejoice not against me, my enemy; although I have fallen, I will rise; although I will sit in darkness, the Lord is a light to me. 9 I will bear the fury of the Lord-for I have sinned against Him-until He pleads my cause and executes justice for me. He shall take me out into the light; I will see His righteousness. 10 And my enemy shall see, and shame shall cover her who says to me, "Where is the Lord your God?" My eyes shall gaze upon her: now she shall become trodden as the mire of the streets. 11 "The day to build your walls-that day-its time is way off." 12 It is a day, and he shall come up to you: those from Assyria and the fortified cities, and from the fortress up to the river and the sea from the west, and the dwellers of the mountain. 13 And the land shall become desolate [together] with its inhabitants because of the fruit of their deeds. 14 Lead Your people with Your rod-the flock of Your inheritance who dwell alone, a forest in the midst of a fruitful field-and they shall graze in Bashan and Gilead as in days of yore. 15 As in the days of your exodus from the land of Egypt, I will show him wonders. 16 Nations shall see and be ashamed of all their might-they shall place a hand upon their mouth; their ears shall become deaf. 17 They shall lick the dust as a snake, as those who crawl on the earth. They shall quake from their imprisonment; they shall fear the Lord, our God, and they shall fear you. 18 Who is a God like You, Who forgives iniquity and passes over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage? He does not maintain His anger forever, for He desires loving-kindness. 19 He shall return and grant us compassion; He shall hide our iniquities, and You shall cast into the depths of the sea all their sins. 20 You shall give the truth of Jacob, the loving-kindness of Abraham, which You swore to our forefathers from days of yore.

Zephaniah 3:5 The Lord is just in her midst; He commits no injustice. Every morning He brings His judgment to light. It does not fail. But the one who commits injustice knows no shame. 6 I have cut off nations; their towers have become desolate. I have destroyed their streets so that no one passes by. Their cities have become waste so that there is no man-so that there is no inhabitant. 7 I said, "Surely you will fear Me, you will accept reproof, and her dwelling shall not be cut off, all that I ordained upon her." But they arose early and corrupted all their deeds. 8 Therefore, wait for Me, says the Lord, for the day that I will rise up to meet [with you]. For it is My judgment to assemble nations, to gather kingdoms, to pour out My fury upon them; yea, all the kindling of My wrath, for with the fire of My jealousy all the earth shall be consumed. 9 For then I will convert the peoples to a pure language that all of them call in the name of the Lord, to worship Him of one accord. 10 From the other side of the rivers of Cush, My supplicants, the community of My scattered ones-they shall bring Me an offering. 11 On that day you shall not be ashamed of all your deeds [with] which you rebelled against Me, for then I will remove from your midst those who rejoice in your pride, and you shall no longer continue to be haughty on My holy mount. 12 And I will leave over in your midst a humble and poor people, and they shall take shelter in the name of the Lord. 13 The remnant of Israel shall neither commit injustice nor speak lies; neither shall deceitful speech be found in their mouth, for they shall graze and lie down, with no one to cause them to shudder. 14 Sing, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O Israel! Rejoice and jubilate wholeheartedly, O daughter of Jerusalem! 15 The Lord has removed your afflictions; He has cast out your enemy. The King of Israel, the Lord, is in your midst-you shall no longer fear evil. 16 On that day it shall be said to Jerusalem, "Have no fear! O Zion, let your hands not be slack. 17 The Lord your God is in your midst-a Mighty One Who will save. He will rejoice over you with joy. He will be silent in His love. He will jubilate over you with song." 18 Those who are removed from the appointed season I have destroyed. They were of you-it was a burden of shame upon her. 19 Behold, I wreak destruction upon all those who afflict you at that time. And I will save the one who limps, and I will gather the stray one, and I will make them a praise and a name throughout all the land where they suffered shame. 20 At that time I will bring them, and at [that] time I will gather you, for I will make you a name and a praise among all the peoples of the earth when I restore your captivities before your eyes, said the Lord.

Zechariah 2:5 And I lifted my eyes, and I saw-and behold!-a man with a measuring line in his hand. 6 And I said, "Where are you going?" And he said to me, "To measure Jerusalem, to see how much is its breadth and how much [is] its length." 7 And behold, the angel who was speaking with me was coming forth, and another angel was coming forth toward him. 8 And he said to him, "Run, speak to this young man, saying: 'Jerusalem shall be inhabited like unwalled towns, because of the multitude of men and cattle therein.' " 9 But I will be for it-says the Lord-a wall of fire around, and for glory I will be in its midst. 10 Ho, ho! Flee from the land of the north, says the Lord; for I have spread you as the four corners of the heavens, says the Lord. 11 Ho, Zion! Flee, she who sits among the nation of Babylon. 12 For so said the Lord of Hosts: After glory, He sent me to the nations that plunder you, for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye. 13 For, behold! I raise My hand over them, and they shall be prey for those who serve them. And you shall know that the Lord of Hosts sent me. 14 Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion, for, behold! I will come and dwell in your midst, says the Lord.

Zechariah 8:2 So said the Lord of Hosts: I am jealous for Zion with great jealousy, and with great fury I am jealous for her. 3 So said the Lord: I will return to Zion, and I will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem; and Jerusalem shall be called the city of truth, and the mount of the Lord of Hosts [shall be called] the holy mountain. 4 So said the Lord of Hosts: Old men and women shall yet sit in the streets of Jerusalem, each man with his staff in his hand because of old age. 5 And the streets of the city shall be filled, with boys and girls playing in its streets. 6 So said the Lord of Hosts: As it will be wonderful in the eyes of the remnant of this people in those days, it will also be wonderful in My eyes, says the Lord of Hosts. 7 So said the Lord of Hosts: Behold I will save My people from the land of the east and from the land of the west. 8 And I will bring them, and they shall dwell in the midst of Jerusalem; and they shall be My people, and I shall be their God, in truth and in righteousness.

Zechariah 14:1 Behold! A day of the Lord is coming, and your plunder shall be shared within you. 2 And I will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to wage war; and the city shall be captured, and the houses shall be plundered, and the women shall be ravished, and half the city shall go forth into exile-and the rest of the people shall not be cut off from the city. 3 And the Lord shall go forth and wage war with those nations, like the day he waged war on the day of the battle. 4 And on that day His feet shall stand on the Mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem from the east. And the Mount of Olives shall split in the midst thereof-toward the east and toward the west-a very great valley. And half the mountain shall move to the north, and half of it to the south. 5 And you shall flee to the valley of the mountains, for the valley of the mountains shall reach Azal. And you shall flee as you fled because of the earthquake, in the days of Uzziah the King of Judah. And the Lord,my God, shall come; all holy ones with you. 6 And it shall come to pass on that day that there shall be no light, only disappearing light and thick darkness. 7 And it shall be one day that shall be known to the Lord, neither day nor night; and it shall come to pass that at eventide it shall be light. 8 And it shall come to pass on that day that spring water shall come forth from Jerusalem; half of it to the eastern sea, and half of it to the western sea; in summer and in winter it shall be. 9 And the Lord shall become King over all the earth; on that day shall the Lord be one, and His name one. 10 The whole earth shall be changed to be like a plain, from the hill of Rimmon in the south of Jerusalem; but it [Jerusalem] will be elevated high and remain in its old place; from the gate of Benjamin to the place of the first gate, until the corner gate, and from the tower of Hananel until the king's wine-cellars. 11 And they shall dwell therein, and there shall be no more destruction; but Jerusalem shall dwell in safety. 12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the nations who besieged Jerusalem; his flesh will waste away while he still stands on his feet; his eyes will waste away in their sockets, and his tongue shall waste away in his mouth. 13 And it will come to pass on that day that there will be great consternation, sent by the Lord upon them; each one shall seize the hand of the other, and his hand shall rise up against the hand of the other. 14 Yea, even Judah will fight against Jerusalem! And the wealth of all the nations round about-gold and silver and apparel-will be gathered in very great abundance. 15 And so will be the plague of the horses, the mules, the camels, the donkeys, and all the animals that are in those camps, similar to this plague. 16 And it will come to pass that everyone left of the nations who came up against Jerusalem will go up from year to year to prostrate himself to the King, the Lord of Hosts, and to celebrate the festival of Tabernacles. 17 And it shall be that whoever of all the families of the earth does not go up to Jerusalem to prostrate himself to the King, the Lord of Hosts-upon them there shall be no rain. 18 And if the family of Egypt does not go up and does not come, it shall not [rain] upon them. The plague [on Egypt] will be [the same as] that with which the Lord will plague the nations who do not go up to celebrate the festival of Tabernacles. 19 Such will be the punishment of Egypt and the punishment of all the nations who do not go up to celebrate the festival of Tabernacles. 20 On that day there will be upon the bells of the horses, "holy to the Lord"; and the pots in the House of the Lord will be like the sprinkling bowls before the altar. 21 Yea, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah will be holy to the Lord of Hosts, and all who sacrifice will come and take of them and cook in them; and there will no longer be a trafficker in the House of the Lord of Hosts on that day.

Malachi 3:1 Behold I send My angel, and he will clear a way before Me. And suddenly, the Lord Whom you seek will come to His Temple. And behold! The angel of the covenant, whom you desire, is coming, says the Lord of Hosts. 2 Now who can abide the day of his coming, and who will stand when he appears, for it is like fire that refines and like fullers' soap. 3 And he shall sit refining and purifying silver, and he shall purify the children of Levi. And he shall purge them as gold and as silver, and they shall be offering up an offering to the Lord with righteousness. 4 And then the offerings of Judah and Jerusalem shall be pleasant to the Lord, as in the days of old and former years.

Malachi 3:16 Then the God-fearing men spoke to one another, and the Lord hearkened and heard it. And a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who feared the Lord and for those who valued His name highly. 17 And they shall be Mine, says the Lord of Hosts, for that day when I make a treasure. And I will have compassion on them as a man has compassion on his son who serves him. 18 And you shall return and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him who serves God and him who has not served Him. 19 For lo, the sun comes, glowing like a furnace, and all the audacious sinners and all the perpetrators of wickedness will be stubble. And the sun that comes shall burn them up so that it will leave them neither root nor branch, says the Lord of Hosts. 20 And the sun of mercy shall rise with healing in its wings for you who fear My Name. Then will you go forth and be fat as fatted calves. 21 And you shall crush the wicked, for they will be as ash under the soles of your feet on the day that I will prepare, says the Lord of Hosts. 22 Keep in remembrance the teaching of Moses, My servant-the laws and ordinances which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel. 23 Lo, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord, 24 that he may turn the heart of the fathers back through the children, and the heart of the children back through their fathers-lest I come and smite the earth with utter destruction. 

Daniel 2:44 And in the days of these kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom forever, it will not be destroyed, and the kingdom will not be left to another people; it will crumble and destroy all these kingdoms, and it will stand forever.

Daniel 7:18 the high holy ones will receive the kingdom, and they will inherit the kingdom forever and to all eternity." 19 Then I wished to determine the truth of the fourth beast, which was different from all of them- excessively dreadful; its teeth were of iron and its nails of copper; it ate and crushed to powder, and the rest it trampled with its feet. 20 And concerning the ten horns that were on its head, and the other one that came up and [the] three [that] fell before it, and the horn that was like this and that had eyes and a mouth speaking arrogantly, and its appearance was greater than [that of] its companions. 21 I looked and the horn that was like this waged war with the holy ones and overwhelmed them. 22 Until the Ancient of Days came and gave revenge to the high holy ones, and the time arrived that the holy ones inherited the kingdom. 23 So he said, "The fourth beast [represents] a fourth kingdom [that] will be on the earth, which will be different from all the kingdoms, and it will devour the whole land and trample it and crush it. 24 And the ten horns that [sprout] from that kingdom [represent] ten kings [that] will rise, and the last one will rise after them, and he will be different from the first, and he will humble three kings. 25 And he will speak words against the Most High, and he will oppress the high holy ones, and he will think to change the times and the law, and they will be delivered into his hand until a time, two times, and half a time. 26 And the judgment shall be established, and they will remove his dominion to be destroyed and annihilated until the end. 27 And the kingdom and the dominion and the greatness of the kingdoms under all the heavens will be given to the people of the high holy ones; its kingdom is a perpetual kingdom, and all dominions will serve and obey [it]." 28 Until here is the end of the matter. As for me, Daniel, my thoughts terrified me greatly, and my colors changed upon me, and I kept the matter in my heart.

Daniel 12:1 Now at that time, Michael, the great prince, who stands over the children of your people, will be silent, and it will be a time of distress that never was since a nation existed until that time, and at that time, your people will escape, everyone who is found inscribed in the book. 2 And many who sleep in the dust of the earth will awaken-these for eternal life, and those for disgrace, for eternal abhorrence.


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