Only G-d can make such promises and fulfill them - Key Passages

I believe only G-d can make promises that show he is in control of everything. This could be nature, the planet, universe and pretty much everything else. You will find several such passages in the Tanakh and what they tell you is G-d does not tell you something that requires you to believe by faith.

When G-d says for example "I will send you into exile and you will return after 70 years" you don't need to have faith. You see it happen.

When G-d says, "Babylon will be destroyed" you see Babylon fall like a pack of cards. You don't need faith.

When G-d says "You will have famine for 7 years" you better stack up food because faith is not going to fill your belly.

ALL [emphasis intentional] Greek text claims are non-verifiable and spiritual and need you to accept it by faith. Why is this? Probably because the claimant is not god!

See how mighty the ONE TRUE G-d of the universe is. All these happened and is recorded in the Tanakh.

Exodus 16:10 And it came to pass when Aaron spoke to the entire community of the children of Israel, that they turned toward the desert, and behold! the glory of the Lord appeared in the cloud. 11The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 12 I have heard the complaints of the children of Israel. Speak to them, saying, In the afternoon you shall eat meat, and in the morning you shall be sated with bread, and you shall know that I am the Lord, your God. 13 It came to pass in the evening that the quails went up and covered the camp, and in the morning there was a layer of dew around the camp. 14 The layer of dew went up, and behold, on the surface of the desert, a fine, bare [substance] as fine as frost on the ground. 15 When the children of Israel saw [it], they said to one another, It is manna, because they did not know what it was, and Moses said to them, It is the bread that the Lord has given you to eat.

Leviticus 25:21 [Know then, that] I will command My blessing for you in the sixth year, and it will yield produce for three years. 22 And you will sow in the eighth year, while [still] eating from the old crops until the ninth year; until the arrival of its crop, you will eat the old [crop].

Leviticus 26:3 If you follow My statutes and observe My commandments and perform them, 4 I will give your rains in their time, the Land will yield its produce, and the tree of the field will give forth its fruit. 5 Your threshing will last until the vintage, and the vintage will last until the sowing; you will eat your food to satiety, and you will live in security in your land. 6 And I will grant peace in the Land, and you will lie down with no one to frighten [you]; I will remove wild beasts from the Land, and no army will pass through your land; 7 You will pursue your enemies, and they will fall by the sword before you; 8 Five of you will pursue a hundred, and a hundred of you will pursue ten thousand, and your enemies will fall by the sword before you. 9 I will turn towards you, and I will make you fruitful and increase you, and I will set up My covenant with you. 10 You will eat very old [produce], and you will clear out the old from before the new. 11 And I will place My dwelling in your midst, and My Spirit will not reject you; 12 I will walk among you and be your God, and you will be My people.

Leviticus 26:14 But if you do not listen to Me and do not perform all these commandments, 15 and if you despise My statutes and reject My ordinances, not performing any of My commandments, thereby breaking My covenant 16 then I too, will do the same to you; I will order upon you shock, consumption, fever, and diseases that cause hopeless longing and depression. You will sow your seed in vain, and your enemies will eat it. 17 I will set My attention against you, and you will be smitten before your enemies. Your enemies will rule over you; you will flee, but no one will be pursuing you. 18 And if, during these, you will not listen to Me, I will add another seven punishments for your sin 19 I will break the pride of your strength and make your skies like iron and your land like copper. 20 Your strength will be expended in vain; your land will not yield its produce, neither will the tree of the earth give forth its fruit. 21 And if you treat Me as happenstance, and you do not wish to listen to Me, I will add seven punishments corresponding to your sins: 22 I will incite the wild beasts of the field against you, and they will bereave you, utterly destroy your livestock and diminish you, and your roads will become desolate. 23 And if, through these, you will still not be chastised [to return] to Me, and if you [continue to] treat Me happenstance, 24 Then I too, will treat you as happenstance. I will again add seven punishments for your sins: 25 I will bring upon you an army that avenges the avenging of a covenant, and you will gather into your cities. I will incite the plague in your midst, and you will be delivered into the enemy's hands, 28 I will treat you with a fury of happenstance, adding again seven [chastisements] for your sins: 29 You will eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters you will eat.

Numbers 11:19 You shall eat it not one day, not two days, not five days, not ten days, and not twenty days. 20 But even for a full month until it comes out your nose and nauseates you. Because you have despised the Lord Who is among you, and you cried before Him, saying, "Why did we ever leave Egypt?" 23 Then the Lord said to Moses, "Is My power limited? Now you will see if My word comes true for you or not!"

Numbers 12:13 Moses cried out to the Lord, saying, "I beseech you, God, please heal her." 14 The Lord replied to Moses, "If her father were to spit in her face, would she not be humiliated for seven days? She shall be confined for seven days outside the camp, and afterwards she may enter. 15 So Miriam was confined outside the camp for seven days, and the people did not travel until Miriam had entered. 16 Then the people departed from Hazeroth, and they camped in the desert of Paran.

Numbers 14:21 However, as surely as I live, and as the glory of the Lord fills the earth. 22 that all the people who perceived My glory, and the signs that I performed in Egypt and in the desert, yet they have tested me these ten times and not listened to My voice, 23 if they will see the Land that I swore to their fathers, and all who provoked Me will not see it.

Numbers 14:31 As for your infants, of whom you said that they will be as spoils, I will bring them [there], and they will come to know the Land which You despised. 32 But as for you, your corpses shall fall in this desert.

Deuteronomy 2:14 And the days when we went from Kadesh barnea, until we crossed the brook of Zered, numbered thirty eight years, until all the generation of the men of war expired from the midst of the camp, just as the Lord swore to them. 15 Also the hand of the Lord was upon them, to destroy them from the midst of the camp, until they were consumed.

Deuteronomy 2:30 But Sihon, king of Heshbon, did not wish to let us pass by him, for the Lord your God caused his spirit to be hardened and his heart to be obstinate, in order that He would give him into your hand, as this day. 31 And the Lord said to me, "Behold I have begun to deliver Sihon and his land before you; begin to drive him out, that you may inherit his land." 32 Then Sihon went forth towards us, he and all his people, to war at Jahzah. 33 And the Lord our God delivered him to us; and we smote him and his sons and all his people.

Deuteronomy 3:1 Then we turned and went up the way of Bashan, and Og, the king of Bashan, came forth toward us, he and all his people, to war at Edrei. 2 And the Lord said to me, "Do not fear him, for I have given him, all his people, and his land into your hand, and you shall do to him as you did to Sihon, king of the Amorites, who dwelt in Heshbon." 3 So the Lord, our God, delivered into our hands also Og, the king of Bashan and all his people, and we smote him until no remnant remained of him.

Joshua 1:2 Moses my servant has died; and now arise cross this Jordan, you and all this nation, to the land which I give the children of Israel. 3 Every place on which the soles of your feet will tread I have given to you, as I have spoken to Moses. 4 From this desert and Lebanon to the great river, the Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites to the great sea westward shall be your boundary. 5 No man shall stand up before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so shall I be with you. I will not weaken My grasp on you nor will I abandon you.

Isaiah 42:18 I will open rivers on the high places, and springs in the midst of valleys; I will make a desert into a pool of water and a wasteland into sources of water. 19 I will give in the desert cedars, acacia trees, myrtles, and pines; I will place in the wilderness box trees, firs, and cypresses together. 20 In order that they see and know, and pay attention and understand together that the hand of the Lord did this and the Holy One of Israel created it.

Isaiah 47:5 And I told you from then; when it had not yet come to pass I let you hear it; lest you say, "My idol performed them, and my graven image and my molten image ordained them."

Malachi 1:4 Should Edom say, "We were poor, but we will return and build the ruins"? So said the Lord of Hosts: They shall build, but I will demolish; and they shall be called the border of wickedness and the people whom the Lord has damned forever. 5 And your eyes shall see, and you shall say, "The Lord is great beyond the border of Israel."

Malachi 2:2 If you do not heed, and if you do not take it to heart to give honor to My Name, says the Lord of Hosts, I will send the curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings. Indeed I have [already] cursed it, for you do not take it to heart. 3 Behold! I rebuke the seed because of you, and I will scatter dung upon your face-the dung of your festive sacrifices, and it shall take you to itself.

Malachi 2:9 And now I, too, have made you contemptible and low to the entire people according to how you do not keep My ways and [how] you show favoritism in the Torah.

Malachi 3:10 Bring the whole of the tithes into the treasury so that there may be nourishment in My House, and test Me now therewith, says the Lord of Hosts, [to see] if I will not open for you the sluices of heaven and pour down for you blessing until there be no room to suffice for it. 11 And I will rebuke the devourer for your sake, and he will not destroy the fruits of your land; neither shall your vine cast its fruit before its time in the field, says the Lord of Hosts.

Zephaniah 1:12 And it shall come to pass on that day, that I will search Jerusalem with candles, and I will visit upon the men who are settled on their lees, who say in their heart, "The Lord shall do neither good nor harm." 13 And their wealth shall become a booty, and their houses a desolation, and they shall build houses and not dwell in them, and plant vineyards and not drink their wine.

Zephaniah 1:17 And I will bring distress upon men, and they shall walk like the blind, for they have sinned against the Lord. And their blood shall be shed like dust, and their flesh like dung.


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